Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment modality that can help eliminate acute and chronic pain. Laser Therapy uses light energy to stimulate biochemical changes within tissue.
Here at The Foot Science Clinic we use a Class 4 High Power Laser. At least 10x stronger than Laser Therapy provided by many other Podiatry Clinics using a Class 2 Laser.
Combining 2 wavelengths 810nm & 980nm High Power Laser Therapy targets Mitochondria & Oxyhemoglobin to promote tissue healing.
Pain Relief: Thousands of pulsed light waves are applied to the tissue. These pulses create micro pressure waves that stimulate and calm free nerve endings.
Biostimulation: Light energy stimulates both the release of oxygen and the production of ATP within tissue. Cells within the painful area use the oxygen & ATP to create energy. This causes a gentle warming, promoting tissue healing.