The MESI M Tablet released globably in 2019 utilises the latest wireless technology, automating ABI & TBI assessments into 3 simple steps. Full assessments can be completed in just 2-3 minutes and gives results that can be life saving.
Patients with Symptoms
Patients with High Risk Conditions
Everyone over the age of 65
Neurovascular foot assessments involve the testing of the nerves and blood supply to the feet. These non-invasive assessments can provide early detection and diagnosis or artery disease leading to better patient outcomes.
It is recommended that patients at risk of developing or those currently diagnosed with lower limb artery disease, are assessed using an Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Toe Brachial Index (TBI).
These simple tests use blood pressure cuffs to take the blood pressure at the ankles/toes and arms. When combined with a simple hand held doppler any changes in the arteries can be diagnosed.
Current statistics show up to 70% of patients with peripheral artery disease have no symptoms and remain undiagnosed. Peripheral Arterial Disease is a common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce the blood flow to your limbs.
When PAD develops, your extremities (usually your legs), don’t receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand.
Symptoms most commonly present as sharp leg pain when walking (intermittent claudication).